LocationToronto, ON
Size/Type2700mm Round Brick, 1800mm Brick Arch
Drain TypeStormwater, CSO
Length1.6km (main trunk)
FeaturesOverflow tanks, lots of brick
AOTU Rating
Discovered ByAngels of the Underground
First Documented
Angels of the Underground
AOTU Members present for exploration:
Umbra, Ignavus & Rico

Friends of AOTU present: none

Photographs by: Umbra & Ignavus

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It's Big. Period. The upstream portion of Humble Howard is being redirected to the MTI (Mid-Toronto Interceptor), which leaves the downstream portion virtually untouched unless a HUGE rainfall occurs. Three large overflow/storage tanks are located just downstream of where we entered. Roughly 20'x80' in size. On one side, overflow windows and a slide lead to the glorious brick drain itself. Side pipes downstream lead to other discoveries not yet fully explored, and a partially blocked end leads to a near dry pipe that connects to the infall at High Park South, and ends up slowly flooding as it flows under Lakeshore Rd, eventually being redirected (we believe) to the WBST.
Overflow/Storage Tanks
Main Trunk
High Park South Infall
AOTU :: Drains :: Waterfront :: Humble Howard
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